Need an AI assistant that integrates with Athena?

Deep, bidirectional Athena integration.

Suki integrates with Athena so charting is a breeze.

Fits any workflow.

Prechart in Athena and finish your note in Suki. Or start your note in Suki and pull in the latest data from Athena. Note content stays in sync between Suki and Athena.

Pull in live data.

Suki can pull the latest patient information, like vitals and recent visits, from Athena so your note has the most up to date details.

See patient information.

Need to know the patient’s allergies or their latest lab results? Just ask Suki. Suki can retrieve dozens of patient details from Athena.

Send notes back.

Send finished notes to Athena, where the relevant fields will be updated. Sign off on the note in Athena and you’re done.

Supports clinicians in all settings.



Home Health

Integrate with minimal IT resources.

Suki is an Athena-approved partner, so integration is quick and easy – typically 5 business days. IT support is needed to:

  • Complete the Athena Authorization and Consent form to integrate Suki with Athena
  • Confirm Wifi connectivity

What customers say.

“The documentation part is really nice, but there are other parts that help it go smoothly. Suki pulls in the vitals, the medications, the past problems from the EHR. Those seconds and minutes add up.”

- Dr. Elizabeth Goff, Family Medicine,

Central Virginia Family Physicians

“Suki addresses the immense burnout our physicians feel from inputting data into the EHRs – Suki’s integration with our EHR makes that process seamless. As a result, our physicians can focus their energies on patient care, in turn creating a better experience for our patients.”

- Sap Sinha, Chief Operating Officer,

Allied Health MSO

Get in touch.

Want to learn more about integrating Suki with your Athena instance?