Need an AI assistant that integrates with Epic?

Deep, bidirectional Epic integration.
Suki integrates with Epic so you always have the latest patient data.
Fits any workflow.
Prechart in Epic and finish your note in Suki. Or start your note in Suki and pull in the latest data from Epic. Note content stays in sync between Suki and Epic.
Pull in live data.
Suki can pull the latest patient information, like vitals and recent visits, from Epic so your note has the most up to date details.
See patient information.
Need to know the patient’s allergies or their latest lab results? Just ask Suki. Suki can retrieve dozens of patient details from Epic.
Send notes back.
Send finished notes to Epic, where the relevant fields will be updated. Sign off on the note in Epic and you’re done.
Supports clinicians in all settings.
Home Health
Integrate with minimal IT resources.
- Provide sandbox accounts
- Support build, configuration, and testing
- Confirm Wifi connectivity

What customers say.
“Two weeks ago, our internet provider was down so we lost complete access to our EMR, but I had access to Suki and could continue to do my notes in the ambient fashion and then push them over after. I don’t see the point in using another vendor that doesn’t integrate with your most expensive product, which is your EMR.”
- Dr. Jeremy Screws, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hattiesburg Clinic

“Suki was an ideal technology because it offers flexibility and integrates seamlessly into current workflows within our Epic EHR. This creates a very streamlined process and allows physicians to use the solutions in whichever way they see fit, whether that is using dictation, command, adding ICD-10 codes or simply pulling up key information from the EHR, like medication lists or past medical history, all without needing to be tethered to a computer or the EHR.”
- Jenny Smith, Digital Health Lead, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System

“I found Suki to be incredibly versatile. I use the mobile app and the Windows based application and those have been revolutionary to my practice. Seriously, I can see 4 or 5 more patients a day comfortably.”
- Dr. Judd Reynolds, Family Medicine, Hattiesburg Clinic

“With Suki ambient documentation, I can pull the pieces and parts from ambient as well as maintain the other pieces I use in Epic. The ambient generated content flows into Epic seamlessly into my note.”
- Dr. Bobby Dupre, CMIO, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System