Today we are introducing a new form factor for Suki. This is a huge step, reminiscent of our mobile launch in 2018. The Suki Assistant on Windows will allow doctors to dictate anywhere on a Windows computer, whether in their EHR inbox, email, letters to colleagues, or any of the other myriad requests we’ve heard from our users. It’s available at no additional cost for all users of Suki Assistant, so give it a try and let us know what you think.
The last time we introduced a totally new form factor was when Suki launched on mobile. The very first version of Suki Assistant, in our early days, was a web application available only in a Chrome browser. When we introduced the iOS app in late 2018, mobile quickly became the dominant form factor. Doctors loved being able to do their work untethered from the EHR, expressing their thoughts naturally as they moved through their day. They loved the freedom that the mobile form factor gave them. We followed with a native Android application in early 2020, and from that point until now, mobile has felt like the center of gravity for our product development.
However, the experience wasn’t complete. There is good reason for doctors to want speech and intelligent automation accessible to them on their PCs. EHRs have a long tail of text fields where speech is useful. Outside the EHR, doctors are writing emails and other correspondence that require accurate medical terminology. While doctors love using Suki on mobile, our users have been asking us to extend Suki’s capabilities to their computer workstations. Now with the Suki Assistant Windows app, they can get the same accuracy and responsiveness they expect from Suki everywhere else. We’ve been doing weeks of early testing with pilot users and incorporating their feedback, and the initial reviews have been positive. Dr. Jarrett Dodd, Medical Director of Information Technology for Central Virginia Family Physicians said, “Suki Assistant has been a game changer for physicians in our group. Now, with the Suki Windows app, our physicians can work through all the other tasks that we face everyday outside of the patient encounter. It allows us a quick and accurate way to accomplish any task by voice that would have previously required typing, from sending instructions to my staff, dictating referral letters, answering emails, and more.”
This is the first major release driven from our India office that we opened earlier this year, under the leadership of Nitin Gupta, our Sr. Director of Engineering. The team has plugged into the Suki family effortlessly and is made up of really top tier folks in their respective areas. Bringing the Suki experience to Windows is just the first example of their great work, and they are already actively working on adding capabilities to the Windows app. In the next release, the Windows app will support commands, like inserting scripts, which will help users save even more time on their administrative tasks.
Suki has had three main skills so far – clinical documentation, coding, and information retrieval. Now we have a new one – the ability to dictate anywhere. As a practicing surgeon, I know all too well the clerical work physicians have on their plates and know Suki Assistant on Windows will make a big difference in helping me complete these tasks more quickly. I hope that it will make a big difference for you as well.